Today is Time to Talk day. The Time to Talk campaign was developed by the mental health organisation Time to Change and it encourages people to openly talk about their mental health and remove the stigma around mental health and mental illness.

People often don’t realise the impact job searching can have on their mental health. It can seem like an endless cycle of looking for roles, spending time applying, the anticipation of waiting to hear, the disappointment of either not hearing at all and then sometimes having to deal with rejection. The whole process can negatively impact your confidence, your sense of self and your overall wellbeing. If you’re currently in this position, then it really is time to talk and time to take action.

Here are some things you can do to help build resilience and improve your mental wellbeing whilst looking for your next role.

Talk about it

You might feel like you are complaining or moaning, but you aren’t. It’s not good to keep your frustrations bottled up. Make some time to talk to a friend or partner or if you feel you can’t take to anyone close then look at online forums or job searching groups. We have a free Facebook group called Be Inspired Get Hired, where we offer tips and advice on finding your next job and offer a space where people can talk about how they are feeling with others that are on similar journeys. It’s like a job search club and we keep it fun and light hearted.

Set goals

Setting achievable goals not only keeps you motivated but will also give you a sense of achievement and pride as you work through them. Make the time to set yourself short term, medium term and long term goals so you can see your progress and celebrate every achievement. Our blog on Goal Setting can help you to write effective goals.

Acknowledge how great you are

Take the time to do some work on your personal branding, Brand YOU. List your strengths, skills, biggest achievements and what you have to offer an employer. Make sure you include both personal and professional skills and achievements. Not only is this a great exercise to improve your confidence, but it also means you can revisit your CV and LinkedIn profile and ensure they both communicate how great you are. We have a brand YOU compass where you can capture all of that great information.

Upskill or Reskill

After looking at your skills and strengths, think about the type of job you are looking for and acknowledge any skill gaps you can work on. There is lots of free online training available at the moment and whilst you are job searching is a great time to take advantage of it. Learning something new will improve your sense of achievement, and you have the bonus of adding further skills to your CV. Here are some links to sites currently offering free training.

Practice self-care

Self-care is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Schedule some time each day that is just for you. It doesn’t have to be trips to the spa or weekends away. It can be an hour to read a book or go for a walk, a long bath or an hour indulging in your favourite TV show. Whatever you choose, make sure it helps you relax and recharge and do not feel guilty for telling those closest to you that you need some “you” time.

Talk about it

That’s right; I’m going to end where I started. Make time to talk. One of the best ways to manage your mental health is, to be honest about how you feel. You are not alone on your journey, and you will get to where you want to be.

If you feel you need some added support to get to your next career destination, then our Be Inspired Get Hired programme will provide you with the practical help you need to get there faster and help you feel less alone on the journey there.

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